Content Moderation

Improve user experience by filtering inappropriate content

Moderation is the act of filtering content to ensure that users don’t encounter inappropriate material. Human and AI moderators are the reason why the worst content that usually appears on your social media feed are awkward political posts from your uncle.
Most websites and apps moderate user generated content before or after it is posted onto their platforms to ensure that users are shielded from most offensive things online. moderation can provide a certain level of protection to your users, but human moderators are still needed to keep the smallest margin for error.
We will deploy our moderation solutions to protect your users and your brand by filtering user generated content based on your guidelines. Are you new to moderation? You can adapt our general guidelines to suit your needs.
Image Moderation

Any company that works with user-generated images needs to set up a system for moderation. In some cases, basic AI detection of nudity and shocking content can act as the first line of filtration but humans are still required where machines fall short. When guidelines become more complicated, only a human eye can help.
Human moderators are still the most accurate solution to identify illegal pornography, nuanced political imagery, and experienced scammers. Machine Learning tools can only do basic tasks – humans still have the edge.
Video Moderation

Video moderation is more resource intensive than image moderation. We provide moderation solutions based on your volumes, SLAs, and budget. Our teams work on live moderation of video streams or moderate content that has already been published or reported.
We moderate full videos, with or without audio, to catch any inappropriate content that shows up on screen. We also provide moderation of video stills, where snapshots of a submission are reviewed based on your guidelines.
Text Moderation

Text moderation goes beyond simple keyword filters – we will deploy agents to review reported text submissions for bullying, radicalization, predatory behavior, and other nuanced communications. We will block inappropriate content, ban dangerous users, and escalate concerning or illegal submissions.
We will work with your trust and safety team to quickly and efficiently monitor communications on your platforms to protect your users.